Corporate Social Responsibility is the set of actions that allow us to maximize our contribution to society in all our areas of action, maintaining constant contact with our interest groups. These actions involve all departments of the Company in achieving this goal. At FORT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED MALTA  we give great importance to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), actively and voluntarily contributing to the improvement of society, the economy and the environment. The values on which our company is based and therefore our understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility are:

1.- Our Objective: Creating value through innovation and quality in everything we do:  

  • Protection of business assets, in all its forms, with due diligence
  • Focus on generating value for the company, its clients, suppliers and other agents involved
  • Vocation for continuous improvement, process optimization and increasing efficiency standards
  • Value proposition focused on innovation and the development of solutions that provide differential value to society
  • Maximization of quality and excellence as an objective for commercial loyalty
  • Maintaining optimal health and safety standards

 2.- Our Environment: Promotion of social and sustainable development wherever we operate :

  • Development of products and services that have a positive impact on the societies in which they are implemented
  • Protection of the environment and the environment on which we act
  • Support for the conservation of historical-artistic heritage in the areas affected by the activities carried out
  • Commitment to society, especially in educational and health aspects

3.- Our Team: Management model based on integration, respect for people and talent development :

  • Equal opportunities and non-discrimination based on sex, race, color, political or any other opinion, national or social origin, economic position, birth or any other condition
  • Decisive will for the integration of different sensitivities and minorities in the ordinary functioning of companies
  • Valuation of diversity as a source of knowledge, providing a broader and more holistic vision of situations
  • Behavior based on respect between people, ensuring interaction, both internally and externally, supported by the uses and customs of education
  • Focus on the professional development of the people who make up the companies, as well as their personal development
  • Commitment to the continuous training of the people who make up the company
  • Promotion of talent with the aim of ensuring excellence and the future of companies

  4.- Our Way of Acting: Professionalism, ethics and compliance with the regulatory framework :

  • Respect for the law and the applicable regulatory framework in each of the jurisdictions in which the Group carries out its activities.
  • Ethical integrity in the management of companies and in the behavior of all related subjects
  • Respect for Human Rights, especially in aspects related to the eradication of child and forced labor
  • Promotion of the Group’s reputation by all related parties
  • Loyalty and rigor in decision-making by related parties, especially in cases of conflict of interest
  • Maintenance of confidentiality by related subjects
  • Privacy of personal data
  • Focus on the principles of transparency and accuracy in management
  • Respect for free competition and the proper functioning of the market
  • Prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism
  • Management aimed at avoiding illicit payments and expenses
  • Permanent surveillance to prevent corruption, bribery and influence peddling
  • Caution in accepting and offering gifts, limiting yourself to the uses and customs of courtesy.
  • Fiscal responsibility complying with the regulations in force in each jurisdiction in which the Group carries out activity


At  FORT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED MALTA, in addition to integrating Corporate Social Responsibility into our business strategy, numerous social actions are carried out in various areas, such as collaboration with public institutions, NGOs, the training and motivation of our human capital, the commitment to sport, collaboration in projects for the integration of disabled people, actions in defense of the environment and diversity, cooperation with the most disadvantaged sectors of the population, or the protection of our cultural legacy, among other activities.

We are aware that the company cannot be an isolated entity distant from citizens, since a competitive company is necessarily responsible in a global sense, that is, adopting the great objectives of the society in which it lives.


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